Many try, few succeed. The Bassmaster Classic, bass fishing's superbowl. 50 of the best bass anglers form around the world are thrust into competion once a year to compete for the Roland Martin trophy and over $1,000,000 in winnings. My dream/goal is to just once, have the chance to compete in this event. This is the story of my journey as it unfolds.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
This Is Getting Old, Real Fast
It started out that I was not event going to fish. I had not found a partner come Friday night and I was not too worried about it. I made a call to a buddy in my club to see if I could dig up a co-angler. Sure enough he had some kid that he knew through Link's Marine. So, I pony up the $55 entry fee, not knowing who was going to be fishing behind me.
Come Sunday morning at the dock I meet this 20 year old kid with 2 rods and a tackle bag. I didn't want to seem too chummy at first because I had no idea what type of person he was. From blast off, we started heading down river on the North East, to a marina on the western bank. Guess what... 'ol boy forgot to strap down his rods. As they quickly started to gain altitude off the front deck, his reflexes kicked in and he grabbed them both all while letting go of his hat. His hat being the least if my worries, I turned around anyway because I felt bad for the guy. All day with no hat! That's sun burn you don't even want to talk about let alone wear it for the next 5 days.
So we finally get there and start fishing. Seems like he knows what he's doing. Everything is cool for the most part. I see him casting in good areas and he was covering water that I was not. Well after about 12:30 that all changed. I could tell he was getting fatigued and he kept switching baits. Tell tail sign of losing patience. Which happens to be rule number 1 in bass fishing; or fishing period for that matter. But I want to keep this guy into it. So I move to another spot and yet another spot. Neither one of us had caught a fish as of yet and the clock is nearly striking 1pm (inside marina at NLT 3pm). I started fishing a rip rap wall that housed some train tracks. about 300 yards worth. We fished the whole thing and not even a bite. At the end we can see disturbance along the bank. It was a tell tail sign that I had found feeding fish. A creek that lead under the train tracks feeding into the river had small bait fish coming out with the tide in droves. As they exited from under the bridge, it appeared all the commotion was from bass picking them off as they passed. I pulled out an ultra light combo and tied on a little tiny jerk bait that matched exactly what I saw. I casted an pulled it right into the ball of bait fish over and over. Just then I noticed the same thing beginning to happen under the bridge. It seemed that they had begun plugging them before they could even exit into the open. I trolled up into the narrow opening of the RR bridge and started casting. I have no idea what was up with these fish, but they just did not want anything to do with anything I was showing them. During all this, or most of it I should say. My partner is kind of just standing there looking around. That struck me as weird. $1,100 on the line an you just stand there and look around? Not my idea of being competitive.
Try as we did we came up short, literally. I fished another rip rap wall near Anchor Marina (the launch site) that had a deep channel running beside it. I started running a Gizzard Shad color, Strike King Red Eye Shad in a reel and pull pattern that caught me a 13.5" and 14" fish with minutes left on the clock. With the minimum size limit at 15", That's not gonna do it. The wall came to a pocket and I made note to hit the deep corner of it thinking "Okay, last cast". I don't know if it was just being hurried or what, but when I came around with that crank bait, I hit the top of the trolling motor and it just shattered the lure to pieces. That's when I knew it was over. I won't say I fished with a handicap in this tournament, but I will say "two lures are better than one" and let you figure the rest out. I think I remember saying to myself "Thank God it's over."
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
NC or Bust
We got up the next day (the same day for me, Friday) to the high paced action of his 3 year old son. The last time I had seen him, he was just a little baby just barely able to walk. After our coffee and morning routine we headed toward Falls Lake. A pretty large expanse of water mounted in the Piedmont of N.C. near the state capitol, Raleigh. At the ramp I was surprised. HUGE! Must have been about 70 parking spots and I think we was the only ones there. Smooth ramp, launched us with no problems and if it had not been for our full bladders, we would have been blast'n out of there in minutes.
As we got out on our way, I made a "B" line for the NW corner of the lake where I had spotted some standing timber on Google Earth. I frequently use this program when scouting large expanses of water. When we got there it looked like really good fishing, aside from the murky water from all the storms during the earlier part of the week. With trolling motor digg'n and outboard up, we threw some spinnerbaits and buzzbaits to the outer edge of a submerged island. We just kept moving further and further in as we come up short on every cast. We finally got up to the live trees which were some kind of cypress. They pretty much grew in a straight line following the shape of the shore line, but about 40 or 50 yards from the bank. I switched to a purple and blue Explosive Tackle jig with a june bug color trailer and started to flip. We came up to a group of 4 trees and I flipped it. I felt the fish suck in the jig, set the hook, in the boat. A nice 4 pound fish. OK, so we have been fishing for about 30 minutes and I get a good fish. Things are looking up. We finished up in the trees to no avail. To make a long story short, the rest of the day produced nothing. We went home with great concern for what was to come the next day when money was on the line.
Against my better judgment, we went back to the same place on tournament day. Pretty much fished it the same way but without a curious young fella playing with switches and asking every question under the sun. We got up to the same location where I caught the keeper the day before. I felt the jig get sucked up once again. I went to set the hook and I could feel the lure slip past her lips. Out popped my jig from the water and landed at my feet on the deck. DAMN! I missed that fish? That almost never happens to me. That's why if you are fishing for five bites and you miss and break off fish; I am probably going to beat you because I don't miss and I for SURE don't break 'em off. After we completed our loop we decided to fire up the Merc and head down current toward the dam. Bout 10 minutes we end up like 8 miles from where we were. Both of us pick up spinnerbaits and start chuck'n to the shore inside a cove. Bing! My homey hooks up on a fish and gets it right up to the boat before it decides to spit the hook. 2nd fish lost. We continued around through the back of the cove where the water got extremely shallow and we managed to get the boat stuck on a sand shoal. After spending 20 minutes getting us unstuck, we started throwing to some old growth sticking up next to the bank. Buddy boy hooks up again and it comes unbuttoned. 3 fish lost. Now both of us are just pissed off so we move on to the next cove. A flooded drainage area hidden from plain sight provided an opportune area for a hog to get caught. Joe threw his lure in there and hooked a short fish. "We're looking for at least 16 inches dude". At least he had one in the boat. We motored down to yet another cove. I spotted some brush under about 8 feet of water with the trunk of the brush sticking out. I decided to pull a Strike King Red Eye Shad through it to see if I could coax a reaction strike. I casted way past it and just as the thing made it up to the bush I felt something bang against it. We'll call that 4 fish missed. As I am tying on a new spinnerbait, a fish plops down on the deck in front of me. Another no go for Joe as the fish is only about 13. Thoroughly probing the entire area of the cove nothing else takes a one way ticket into our live well. We looked across and liked the way the cove on the other side looks so we go. Poor Joe hooks up on one after getting snagged in a tree and he forgot to retie. I think the fish fought up over a stick and it just broke lose right there. I could see the frustration in my friend's face. That was number 5. An entire limit, lost to near misses and break-offs. Dang shame! I ended up horsing in a 15 inch 2 pounder just before the buzzer and that was the end of it. I just can't get over the fact that our entire bag was ours for the taking but we could not hold on to one of them. All you can do is laugh... and maybe cry. But at the end of the day, I had a blast with my good friend. We'll get 'em next time Joe!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Still No Gear

It's been weeks upon months since I have put my order through with this guy T.J. Tackle. (Not the company logo shown to the right.)
I met up with this guy months ago at Bass Pro and he showed me some custom spinnerbaits that he made. Nice stuff really. Well made you could tell and he made a lot of really nice colors that you don't normally see. Spinnerbaits, buzzbaits and jigs any configuration of color and size you can think of.
I ended up buying one off him on the spot. He handed me a card and assured me that anything could be done. He basically had no limitations on the options you can choose from. He had one particular base-line color that interested me. It had the shad type head with a brown copper color. I contacted this guy later on and gave him what I wanted... ten spinnerbaits all with the copper brown head with some different blade and skirt styles. I think he charged me like $30.00 total. Now, I know red flags are starting to pop up with some of you. Well minded consumers know when they see load of crap. Something seemed fishy to me with this guy, so I made him agree to a "special" deal. I made it very clear that I needed them at the very least by the last week in March first of all. That having long passed. I also told the guy "Look, I have never dealt with you before, so I would like to receive half of the order up front and I will pay you, and then you send me the next half after you get the money". He said that was cool, being I was a first time customer.
As I stated before, I never got the initial shipment. The guy never returns e mails or my phone calls. What if I was relying on these lures for a tournament? I would be in bad shape. This whole ordeal taught me a valuable lesson. If you happen upon one of these small venture type businesses; don't rely on them right off the bat. Do a couple transactions with them in a non time sensitive setting so you may get the feel of how they do business. Is their product consistent? How long from order to door do they usually take? Can they overnight to you if need? These are questions that can only be truly answered to you with the business's actions. Do not take their word for it! You may end up falling victim to the possible turn out that I was able to haphazardly avoid... on a tournament... maybe. It's just not worth it.
The logo above happens to be a company owned by a good friend of mine. A quality lure, that is priced accordingly. What he does, fits what I look for mostly and most importantly, I know what his capabilities are. I know what he can do by way of delivering the product to me. I know what I am going to get every time and there are no misunderstood expectations. Mind you this fella has a demanding occupation so I don't expect to be able to call him from Virginia on a Friday night and have lures at my hotel on Saturday morning. That's just fine as long as that is the inclination from day one.
So with that said, you can tell, I'm sure, what and who I will be going with in the future. Once you find a good one, keep 'em.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Weighing the Possibilities
The importance of my superior performance at this tournament is chief, for the reasons I stated earlier. Only problem is say I do take the tournament with a ginormous bag that puts me at the top. There are still 5 more tournaments to go at different locations that I have a specific disadvantage. Knowledge and experience. Now I'm no baby in this sport but at some of the places we fish, I am. Sassafras, I only came up with 2 fish that were just over a pound, Wicomico I have never fished and Nanticoke I continue to struggle staying on fish... chronically. I know I have the power to change these facts. I can pre fish the Wicomico, find some more spots on the Sass and get my act together at Naticoke. But do I have the time and patience from my family? Do I have the knowledge that will at least allow me to put myself into situations I can learn from? If I search around the Chesapeake and find a little honey hole, unless I have an idea of what sizes I need to fill the live well with, it won't matter. I guess thinking that far into it just makes it seem almost impossible but when it all boils down, that's what it takes. I can't really speculate much about Wicomico river. Some places I have fished for the first time and it's like reading a children's book; easy to read. Nanitcoke or "Nantichoke" as it relates to me, is my horror story. I shock that river for Fish & Wildlife as my profession. I help run the shad hatchery, I earn my living on that river. I know it like the back of my hand. But when I go in my boat to hook and line bass, it's like they know I'm there. They know who I am and why I am there. I fish all the textbook locations for weather and time of year plus use all the same colors and presentations that other anglers use and catch fish with. That place just hates me.
What I encountered on Friday was total bull shit. I worked a retaining wall bank with a sandy shore line and a ledge sloping down to about 13 feet, docks, boats and everythang. To make a long story short, not a jig, spinnerbait, crankbait or shakeyhead would catch a single fish. End result... pissed off.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Catch'n 'Em Sleep'n