This business I'm dealing with is about the most selfish race to the top I have ever seen. Maybe it's the fact that the word "fish" is in the word. Everybody is just out try'n hustle their game and don't get me wrong, I am too. But some of these guys you would think they are already at the top of the game. Talk'n bout how they are going to show up the boat field at the next tournament and shit like that. I can see some friendly harassment but damn, these guys are tough sometimes. I don't get involved. I just get out there on tournament day and do my thing. These fools sleep on me. They pay no regard to my talent as if I was no threat. Well check this. I'm a put on my grand hustle and let them know what's up. Yeah, it pisses me off when people get orders put through right away for gear because they have a certain amount of popularity and have been around longer. What bout the customer? When I am offering my money for that shit as a customer and basically get blown off because they think I am lesser of an angler... fuck that. I'm about to blow up in this bitch and I will always maintain my humble attitude. Some of these boys win one or two tournaments and they think they are the next Ike. Time to deflate that head Arrogant McEgo. It's a damn good thing I have this blog so I can vent off steam quietly. After all, I'm not good enough an angler for anybody to spend the time reading it.
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